
The parser generator configuration is exposed through API calls which can be imported from the root of the rustemo_compiler crate:

  • pub fn process_crate_dir() - recursivelly visit all the grammars starting from the crate root directory and generate the parsers and actions.
  • pub fn process_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(dir: P) - recursivelly visit all the grammars starting from the given directory and generate the parsers and actions.
  • pub fn process_grammar<P: AsRef<Path>>(grammar: P) - generate the parser and actions for the given grammar.
  • Settings::new() - returns a default Settings which can be further configured using chained calls.

These are meant to be called from the script. The most basic usage would be:

use std::process::exit;

fn main() {
    let mut settings = rustemo_compiler::Settings::new();
    if std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_ARRAYS").is_ok() {
        settings = settings.generator_table_type(rustemo_compiler::GeneratorTableType::Arrays);

    if let Err(e) = settings.process_dir() {
        eprintln!("{}", e);


Don't forget to add rustŠµmo-compiler to the build-dependencies section of the Cargo.toml file.

In this example we are using the default settings and run the recursive processing of the project dir as determined by the cargo CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR environment variable. By default, it will generate both parser and actions in the cargo output dir as determined by OUT_DIR env variable.

You can change the default output to be the source tree, i.e. to generate parser/actions next to the grammar file by calling:

fn main() {

This will create default settings, change settings to generate the parser in the source tree and then process the current project directory.

It is usually discouraged to modify the source tree from the script but in the case of actions it is usually necessary as the actions are generated and manually maintained. To generate just the actions in the source tree while keeping the parser in the output directory you can do the following:

fn main() {


When running rustemo from your crate must have a build dependency to rustemo-compiler. If you don't want this than you can always resort to building your parser using rustemo CLI. Just don't forget to manually regenerate the parser and commit changes to your version control system when you change the grammar.


For the full docs for settings provided by Rustemo see the crate docs.

Using generated modules

When the parser/actions is generated in the source tree you use it as any other Rust module but when any of them is generated in the output you can't include them in the module tree as they are generated in the output dir.

To be able to include modules from the output dirs you use rustemo_mod! macro:

fn main() {
use rustemo::rustemo_mod;
rustemo_mod! {pub(crate) rustemo, "/src/lang"}


fn main() {
use rustemo::rustemo_mod;
rustemo_mod!(generic_tree, "/src/builder/generic_tree");

This macro accepts two parameters. The first is a usual syntax used with mod (attributes, visibility and the name of the module) while the second parameter is the path to the module/grammar directory from the project root. This second parameter is needed for the macro to be able to calculate the full path in the output directory.