The parglare grammar language

The parglare grammar specification language is based on BNF with syntactic sugar extensions which are optional and builds on top of a pure BNF. parglare is based on Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) and a grammar is written declaratively. You don't have to think about the parsing process like in e.g. PEGs. Ambiguities are dealt with explicitly (see the section on conflicts).

Each grammar file consists of three parts: - zero or more imports of other grammar files. See grammar modularization - one or more derivation/production rules - zero or more terminal definitions

Each derivation/production rule is of the form:

<symbol>: <expression> ;

where <symbol> is grammar non-terminal and <expression> is a sequence of terminals and non-terminals separated by choice operator |.

For example:

Fields: Field | Fields "," Field;

Here Fields is a non-terminal grammar symbol and it is defined as either a single Field or, recursively, as Fields followed by a string terminal , and than by another Field. It is not given here but Field could also be defined as a non-terminal. For example:

Field: QuotedField | FieldContent;

Or it could be defined as a terminal in terminals section:

Field: /[A-Z]*/;

This terminal definition uses regular expression recognizer.


Terminal symbols of the grammar define the fundamental or atomic elements of your language -- tokens or lexemes (e.g. keywords, numbers). In parglare a terminal is connected to the recognizer which is an object used to recognize token of a particular type in the input. Most of the time you will do parsing of textual content and you will need textual recognizers. These recognizers are built-in and there are two type of textual recognizers:

  • string recognizer
  • regular expression recognizer

Terminals are given at the end of the grammar file, after production rules, following the keyword terminals.

String recognizer

String recognizer is defined as a plain string inside of double quotes:

my_rule: "start" other_rule "end";

In this example "start" and "end" will be terminals with string recognizers that match exactly the words start and end.

You can write string recognizing terminal directly in the rule expression or you can define terminal separately and reference it by name, like:

my_rule: start other_rule end;

start: "start";
end: "end";

Either way it will be the same terminal. You can't mix those two approaches for a single terminal. If you defined a terminal in the terminals section than you can't use inline string matches for that terminal.

You will usually write it as a separate terminal if the terminal is used at multiple places in the grammar or to provide disambiguation information for a terminal (priority, prefer etc.).

Regular expression recognizer

Or regex recognizer for short is a regex pattern written inside slashes (/.../).

For example:

number: /\d+/;

This rule defines terminal symbol number which has a regex recognizer and will recognize one or more digits as a number.


You cannot write regex recognizers inline like you can do with string recognizers. This constraint is introduced because there is no sane way to deduce terminal name given its regex. Thus, you must write all regex recognizers/terminals in the terminals section at the end of the grammar file.

Custom recognizers

If you are parsing arbitrary input (non-textual) you'll have to provide your own recognizers. In the grammar, you just have to provide terminal symbol without body, i.e. without string or regex recognizer. You will provide missing recognizers during grammar instantiation from Python. Although you don't supply body of the terminal you can define disambiguation rules as usual.

Lets say that we have a list of integers (real list of Python ints, not a text with numbers) and we have some weird requirement to break those numbers according to the following grammar:

Numbers: all_less_than_five  ascending  all_less_than_five;
all_less_than_five: all_less_than_five  int_less_than_five
                  | int_less_than_five;

// These terminals have no recognizers defined in the grammar
ascending: ;
int_less_than_five: ;

So, we should first match all numbers less than five and collect those, than we should match a list of ascending numbers and than list of less than five again. int_less_than_five and ascending are terminals/recognizers that will be defined in Python and passed to grammar construction. int_less_than_five will recognize Python integer that is, well, less than five. ascending will recognize a sublist of integers in ascending order.

For more details on the usage see this test.

More on this topic can be found in a separate section.

Usual patterns

This section explains how some common grammar patterns can be written using just a plain BNF notation.

One or more

// sections rule below will match one or more section.
sections: sections section | section;

In this example sections will match one or more section. Notice the recursive definition of the rule. You can read this as sections is either a single section or sections and a section.


Please note that you could do the same with this rule:

sections: section sections | section;

which will give you similar result but the resulting tree will be different. Notice the recursive reference is now at the and of the first production. Previous example will reduce sections early and than add another section to it, thus the tree will be expanding to the left. The example in this note will collect all the sections and than start reducing from the end, thus building a tree expanding to the right. These are subtle differences that are important when you start writing your semantic actions. Most of the time you don't care about this so use the first version as it is more efficient and parglare provides built-in actions for these common cases.

Zero or more

// sections rule below will match zero or more section.
sections: sections section | section | EMPTY;

In this example sections will match zero or more section. Notice the addition of the EMPTY choice at the end. This means that matching nothing is a valid sections non-terminal.

Same note from above applies here to.


document: optheader body;
optheader: header | EMPTY;

In this example optheader is either a header or nothing.

Syntactic sugar - BNF extensions

Previous section gives the overview of the basic BNF syntax. If you got to use various BNF extensions (like Kleene star) you might find writing patterns in the previous section awkward. Since some of the patterns are used frequently in the grammars (zero-or-more, one-or-more etc.) parglare provides syntactic sugar for this common idioms using a well known regular expression syntax.


Optional can be specified using ?. For example:

S: "2" b? "3"?;

b: "1";

Here, after 2 we might have terminal b but it is optional, as well as 3 that follows.

Lets see what the parser will return for various inputs (the grammar variable is a string holding grammar from above):

g = Grammar.from_string(grammar)
p = Parser(g)

input_str = '2 1 3'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", "1", "3"]

input_str = '2 3'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", None, "3"]


Syntax equivalence for optional operator:

S: b?;

b: "1";

is equivalent to:

S: b_opt;
b_opt: b | EMPTY;

b: "1";

Behind the scenes parglare will create b_opt rule. All syntactic sugar additions operate by creating additional rules in the grammar during table construction.

One or more

One or more match is specified using + operator. For example:

S: "2" c+;

c: "c";

After 2 we expect to see one or more c terminals.

Lets see what the parser will return for various inputs (the grammar variable is a string holding grammar from above):

g = Grammar.from_string(grammar)
p = Parser(g)

input_str = '2 c c c'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", ["c", "c", "c"]]

input_str = '2 c'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", ["c"]]

So the sub-expression on the second position (c+ sub-rule) will by default produce a list of matched c terminals. If c is missing a parse error will be raised.


Syntax equivalence for one or more:

S: a+;

a: "a";

is equivalent to:

S: a_1;
a_1: a_1 a | a;

a: "a";

+ operator allows repetition modifier for separators. For example:

S: "2" c+[comma];

c: "c";
comma: ",";

c+[comma] will match one or more c terminals separated by whatever is matched by the comma rule.

Lets see what the parser will return for various inputs (the grammar variable is a string holding grammar from above):

g = Grammar.from_string(grammar)
p = Parser(g)

input_str = '2 c, c,  c'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", ["c", "c", "c"]]

input_str = '2 c'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", ["c"]]

As you can see giving a separator modifier allows us to parse a list of items separated by the whatever is matched by the rule given inside [].


Syntax equivalence one or more with separator:

S: a+[comma];

a: "a";
comma: ",";

is equivalent to:

S: a_1_comma;
a_1_comma: a_1_comma comma a | a;

a: "a";
comma: ",";

Making the name of the separator rule a suffix of the additional rule name makes sure that only one additional rule will be added to the grammar for all instances of a+[comma], i.e. same base rule with the same separator.

Zero or more

Zero or more match is specified using * operator. For example:

S: "2" c*;

c: "c";

This syntactic addition is similar to + except that it doesn't require rule to match at least once. If there is no match, resulting sub-expression will be an empty list. For example:

g = Grammar.from_string(grammar)
p = Parser(g)

input_str = '2 c c c'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", ["c", "c", "c"]]

input_str = '2'
result = p.parse(input_str)
assert result == ["2", []]


Syntax equivalence zero or more:

S: a*;

a: "a";

is equivalent to:

S: a_0;
a_0: a_1 {nops} | EMPTY;
a_1: a_1 a | a;

a: "a";

So using of * creates both a_0 and a_1 rules. Action attached to a_0 returns a list of matched a and empty list if no match is found. Please note the usage of nops. In case if prefer_shift strategy is used using nops will perform both REDUCE and SHIFT during GLR parsing in case what follows zero or more might be another element in the sequence. This is most of the time what you need.

Same as one or more this operator may use separator modifiers.


Syntax equivalence zero or more with separator:

S: a*[comma];

a: "a";
comma: ",";

is equivalent to:

S: a_0_comma;
a_0_comma: a_1_comma {nops} | EMPTY;
a_1_comma: a_1_comma comma a | a;

a: "a";

where action is attached to a_0_comma to provide returning a list of matched a and empty list if no match is found.

Greedy repetitions

*, +, and ? operators have their greedy counterparts. To make an repetition operator greedy add ! (e.g. *!, +!, and ?!). These versions will consume as much as possible before proceeding. You can think of the greedy repetitions as a way to disambiguate a class of ambiguities which arises due to a sequence of rules where earlier constituent can match an input of various length leaving the rest to the next rule to consume.

Consider this example:

S: "a"* "a"*;

It is easy to see that this grammar is ambiguous, as for the input:

a a

We have 3 solutions:

    a[0->1, "a"]
    a[2->3, "a"]
        a[0->1, "a"]
    a[2->3, "a"]
        a[0->1, "a"]
    a[2->3, "a"]

If we apply greedy zero-or-more to the first element of the sequence:

S: "a"*! "a"*;

We have only one solution where all a tokens are consumed by the first part of the rule:

        a[0->1, "a"]
    a[2->3, "a"]

Parenthesized groups

You can use parenthesized groups at any place you can use a rule reference. For example:

S: a (b* a {left} | b);
a: "a";
b: "b";

Here, you can see that S will match a and then either b* a or b. You can also see that meta-data can be applied at a per-sequence level (in this case {left} applies to sequence b* a).

Here is a more complex example which uses repetitions, separators, assignments and nested groups.

S: (b c)*[comma];
S: (b c)*[comma] a=(a+ (b | c)*)+[comma];
a: "a";
b: "b";
c: "c";
comma: ",";


Syntax equivalence parenthesized groups:

S: c (b* c {left} | b);
c: "c";
b: "b";

is equivalent to:

S: c S_g1;
S_g1: b_0 c {left} | b;
b_0: b_1 | EMPTY;
b_1: b_1 b | b;
c: "c";
b: "b";

So using parenthesized groups creates additional _g<n> rules (S_g1 in the example), where n is a unique number per rule starting from 1. All other syntactic sugar elements applied to groups behave as expected.

EMPTY built-in rule

There is a special EMPTY rule you can reference in your grammars. EMPTY rule will reduce without consuming any input and will always succeed, i.e. it is empty recognition.

Named matches (assignments)

In section on actions you can see that semantic action (Python callable) connected to a rule will be called with two parameters: a context and a list of sub-expressions evaluation results. This require you to use positional access in the list of sub-expressions.

Named matches (a.k.a assignments) enable giving a name to the sub-expression directly in the grammar.

For example:

S: first=a second=digit+[comma];

a: "a";
digit: /\d+/;
comma: ",";

In this example root rule matches one a and then one or more digit separated by a comma. You can see that the first sub-expression (a match) is assigned to first while the second sub-expression digit+[comma] is assigned to second.

first and second will now be an additional keyword parameters passed to the semantic action. The values passed in using these parameters will be the results of evaluation of the rules referenced by the assignments.

There are two kind of assignments:

  • plain assignment (=) -- will collect RHS and pass it to the action under the names given by LHS,
  • bool assignment (?=) -- will pass True if the match return non-empty result. If the result of RHS is empty the assignment will result in False being passed to the action.

Each rule using named matches result in a dynamically created Python class named after the rule. These classes are kept in a dictionary grammar.classes and used to instantiate Python objects during parsing by an implicitly set built-in obj action.

Thus, for rules using named matches, default action is to create object with attributes whose names are those of LHS of the assignments and values are from RHS of the assignments (or boolean values for bool assignments). Each object is an instance of corresponding dynamically created Python class.

Effectively, using named matches enables automatic creation of a nice AST.


You can, of course, override default action either in the grammar using @ syntax or using actions dict given to the parser. See the next section.

Referencing semantic actions from a grammar

By default action with the name same as the rule name will be searched in the accompanying <grammar> file or actions dict. You can override this by specifying action name for the rule directly in the grammar using @ syntax. In that case a name given after @ will be used instead of a rule name.

For example:

some_rule: first second;

For rule some_rule action with the name myaction will be searched in the <grammar> module, actions dict or built-in actions provided by the parglare.actions module. This is helpful if you have some common action that can be used for multiple rules in your grammar. Also this can be used to specify built-in action to be used for a rule directly in the grammar.

User meta-data

You can supply arbitrary meta-data for the productions and terminals in the grammar in the form of key-value pairs. This can be used to augment dynamic disambiguation strategies, error reporting etc.

To define meta-data put it inside the {} block of either rule, production or terminal in the form of name: value, where name is a valid ID and value is integer, float, bool (true or false) or string in single quotes.

For example:

grammar_str = r'''
MyRule: 'a' {left, 1, dynamic, nops,
              some_string:'My Label',
              some_bool: true,
              some_int: 3,
              some_float: 4.5};

grammar = Grammar.from_string(grammar_str)
my_rule = grammar.get_nonterminal('MyRule')

prod =[0]
assert prod.some_string == 'My Label'
assert prod.some_bool is True
assert prod.some_int == 3
assert prod.some_float == 4.5

In this example, user meta-data some_string with value My Label is defined on the first production of rule MyRule. Please note that user defined meta-data is accessed as an ordinary Python attribute. In the example you can also see the definition of meta-data of various supported types.

User meta-data can be defined at the rule level in which case all production for the given rule inherit the meta-data.

For example:

grammar_str = r'''
MyRule {label: 'My Label', nops}: 'a' {left, 1, dynamic};

grammar = Grammar.from_string(grammar_str)
my_rule = grammar.get_nonterminal('MyRule')

# User meta-data is accessible on the non-terminal
assert my_rule.label == 'My Label'

# The production has its own meta-data
prod =[0]
assert prod.assoc == ASSOC_LEFT
assert prod.prior == 1
assert prod.dynamic

# Rule-level meta-data are propagated to productions
assert prod.label == 'My Label'

Meta-data defined on the rule level can be overridden on the production level. Also, rule can be specified multiple times. Propagation of each rule meta-data is done only to the productions specified in the rule.

For example:

grammar_str = r'''
MyRule {label: 'My Label', left}: 'first' {right,
                                            label: 'My overriden label'}
                                | 'second';

MyRule {label: 'Other rule'}: 'third' {left}
                            | 'fourth' {label: 'Fourth prod'};

grammar = Grammar.from_string(grammar_str)
my_rule = grammar.get_nonterminal('MyRule')

# User meta-data is accessible on the non-terminal
# Rule level meta-data are only those defined on the
# first rule in the order of the definition.
assert my_rule.label == 'My Label'

prod1 =[0]
# First production overrides meta-data
assert prod1.label == 'My overriden label'
assert prod1.assoc == ASSOC_RIGHT

# If not overriden it uses meta-data from the rule.
prod2 =[1]
assert prod2.label == 'My Label'
assert prod2.assoc == ASSOC_LEFT

# Third and fourth production belongs to the second rule so they
# inherits its meta-data.
prod3 =[2]
assert prod3.label == 'Other rule'
assert prod3.assoc == ASSOC_LEFT

prod4 =[3]
assert prod4.label == 'Fourth prod'
assert prod4.assoc == ASSOC_NONE

Grammar comments

In parglare grammar, comments are available as both line comments and block comments:

// This is a line comment. Everything from the '//' to the end of line is a comment.

  This is a block comment.
  Everything in between `/*`  and '*/' is a comment.

Handling whitespaces and comments in your language

By default parser will skip whitespaces. Whitespace skipping is controlled by ws parameter to the parser which is by default set to '\n\t '.

If you need more control of the layout, i.e. handling of not only whitespaces but comments also, you can use a special rule LAYOUT:

LAYOUT: LayoutItem | LAYOUT LayoutItem | EMPTY;
LayoutItem: WS | Comment;

WS: /\s+/;
Comment: /\/\/.*/;

This will form a separate layout parser that will parse in-between each matched tokens. In this example whitespaces and line-comments will be consumed by the layout parser.

If this special rule is found in the grammar ws parser parameter is ignored.

Here is another example that gives support for both line comments and block comments like the one used in the grammar language itself:

LAYOUT: LayoutItem | LAYOUT LayoutItem | EMPTY;
LayoutItem: WS | Comment;
Comment: '/*' CorNCs '*/' | LineComment;
CorNCs: CorNC | CorNCs CorNC | EMPTY;
CorNC: Comment | NotComment | WS;

WS: /\s+/;
LineComment: /\/\/.*/;
NotComment: /((\*[^\/])|[^\s*\/]|\/[^\*])+/;


If LAYOUT is provided it must match before the first token, between any two tokens in the input, and after the last token. If layout cannot be empty, the input cannot start or end with a token. If this is not desired, make sure to include EMPTY in the layout as one of its alternatives like in the previous examples.

Handling keywords in your language

By default parser will match given string recognizer even if it is part of some larger word, i.e. it will not require matching on the word boundary. This is not the desired behavior for language keywords.

For example, lets examine this little grammar:

S: "for" name=ID "=" from=INT "to" to=INT;

ID: /\w+/;
INT: /\d+/;

This grammar is intended to match statement like this one:

for a=10 to 20

But it will also match:

fora=10 to20

which is not what we wanted.

parglare allows the definition of a special terminal rule KEYWORD. This rule must define a regular expression recognizer. Any string recognizer in the grammar that can be also recognized by the KEYWORD recognizer is treated as a keyword and is changed during grammar construction to match only on word boundary.

For example:

S: "for" name=ID "=" from=INT "to" to=INT;

ID: /\w+/;
INT: /\d+/;
KEYWORD: /\w+/;


fora=10 to20

will not be recognized as the words for and to are recognized to be keywords (they can be matched by the KEYWORD rule).

This will be parsed correctly:

for a=10 to 20

As = is not matched by the KEYWORD rule and thus doesn't require to be separated from the surrounding tokens.


parglare uses integrated scanner so this example:

for for=10 to 20

will be correctly parsed. for in for=10 will be recognized as ID and not as a keyword for, i.e. there is no lexical ambiguity due to tokenizer separation.