Common classes and functions

The Context object

An object of this kind object is passed to various callback functions (actions, recognizers, error recovery etc.). It is not always an instance of the same class, but all context objects have the following properties:

  • start_position/end_position - the beginning and the end in the input stream where the match occurred. start_position is the location of the first element/character in the input while the end_position is one past the last element/character of the match. Thus end_position - start_position will give the length of the match including the layout. You can use parglare.pos_to_line_col(input, position) function to get line and column of the position. This function returns a tuple (line, column).

  • file_name - the name/path of the file being parsed. None if Python string is parsed.

  • input_str - the input string (or list of objects) that is being parsed.

  • layout_content - is the layout (whitespaces, comments etc.) that are collected from the previous non-layout match.

  • layout_content_ahead - layout content before token_ahead.

  • token- the token shifted during SHIFT operation. Instance of parglare.parser.Token.

  • token_ahead - the token recognized as a lookahead.

  • production - an instance of parglare.grammar.Production class available only on reduction actions (not on shifts). Represents the grammar production.

  • state - An instance of parglare.tables.LRState. The LR state of the parser automata. This object contains information of the possible actions in this state.

  • node - this is available only if the actions are called over the parse tree using call_actions. It represents the instance of NodeNonTerm or NodeTerm classes from the parse tree where the actions is executed.

  • parser - is the reference to the parser instance. You should use this only to investigate parser configuration not to alter its state.

  • head - is a reference to the Graph-structured stack node (GSSNode). Only used for GLR parsing.

  • extra - this attribute can store arbitrary user information for state tracking. If not given as a parameter to parse call a dict is used.

Location class

Used at various places in parglare to define location and span in the files (e.g. for error reporting).


  • input_str - the input string being parsed.

  • file_name (property) - the name of the file being parsed (None if string is parsed),

  • start_position/end_position - an absolute position in the input where the span starts/ends,

  • line/column (properties) - line and column where the span starts.

  • line_end/column_end (properties) - line and column where the span ends.

If there is an error in the grammar itself parglare will raise parglare.GrammarError exception.