
Actions (a.k.a. semantic actions or reductions actions) are Python callables (functions or lambdas mostly) that get called to reduce the recognized pattern to some higher concept. E.g. in the calc example actions are called to calculate sub-expressions.


LR parser can call the actions during parsing. GLR parser always build the parse forest and the actions can be called afterwards on a chosen tree with parser.call_actions.

There are two consideration to think of:

  • Which actions are called?
  • When actions are called?

Custom actions and built-in actions

If you don't provide actions of your own the parser will return nested list corresponding to your grammar. Each non-terminal result in a list of evaluated sub-expression while each terminal result in the matched string. If the parser parameter build_tree is set to True the parser will build a parse tree.

Custom actions are provided to the parser during parser instantiation as actions parameter which must be a Python dict where the keys are the names of the rules from the grammar and values are the action callables or a list of callables if the rule has more than one production/choice. You can provide additional actions that are not named after the grammar rule names, these actions may be referenced from the grammar using @ syntax for action specification.

Lets take a closer look at the quick intro example:

grammar = r"""
E: E '+' E  {left, 1}
  | E '-' E  {left, 1}
  | E '*' E  {left, 2}
  | E '/' E  {left, 2}
  | E '^' E  {right, 3}
  | '(' E ')'
  | number;

number: /\d+(\.\d+)?/;

actions = {
    "E": [lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] + nodes[2],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] - nodes[2],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] * nodes[2],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] / nodes[2],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] ** nodes[2],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[1],
          lambda _, nodes: nodes[0]],
    "number": lambda _, value: float(value),

g = Grammar.from_string(grammar)
parser = Parser(g, actions=actions)
result = parser.parse("34 + 4.6 / 2 * 4^2^2 + 78")

Here you can see that for rule E we provide a list of lambdas, one lambda for each operation. The first element of the list corresponds to the first production of the E rule (E '+' E {left, 1}), the second to the second and so on. For number rule there is only a single lambda which converts the matched string to the Python float type, because number is a terminal definition and thus the second parameter in action call will not be a list but a matched value itself.

At the end we instantiate the parser and pass in our actions using the parameter.

Each action callable receive two parameters. The first is the context object which gives parsing context information (like the start and end position where the match occurred, the parser instance etc.). The second parameters nodes is a list of actual results of sub-expressions given in the order defined in the grammar.

For example:

lambda _, nodes: nodes[0] * nodes[2],

In this line we don't care about the context thus giving it the _ name. nodes[0] will cary the value of the left sub-expression while nodes[2] will carry the result of the right sub-expression. nodes[1] must be * and we don't need to check that as the parser already did that for us.

The result of the parsing will be the evaluated expression as the actions will get called along the way and the result of each actions will be used as an element of the nodes parameter in calling actions higher in the hierarchy.

If we don't provide actions, by default parglare will return a matched string for each terminal and a list of sub-expressions for each non-terminal effectively producing nested lists. If we set build_tree parameter of the parser to True the parser will produce a parse tree whose elements are instances of NodeNonTerm and NodeTerm classes representing a non-terminals and terminals respectively.

action decorator

You can use a special decorator/collector factory parglare.get_collector to create decorator that can be used to collect all actions.

from parglare import get_collector

action = get_collector()

def number(_, value):
    return float(value)

def sum_act(_, nodes):
    return nodes[0] + nodes[2]

def pass_act_E(_, nodes):
    return nodes[0]

def T(_, nodes):
    if len(nodes) == 3:
        return nodes[0] * nodes[2]
        return nodes[0]

def parenthesses_act(_, nodes):
    return nodes[1]

def pass_act_F(_, nodes):
    return nodes[0]

p = Parser(grammar, actions=action.all)

In the previous example action decorator is created using get_collector factory. This decorator is parametrized where optional parameter is the name of the action. If the name is not given the name of the decorated function will be used. As you can see in the previous example, same name can be used multiple times (e.g. E for sum_act and pass_act_E). If same name is used multiple times all action functions will be collected as a list in the order of definition. Dictionary holding all actions for the created action decorator is action.all.

Time of actions call


This applies for LR parsing only. GLR parser always build a forest and actions are called afterwards with parser.call_actions. See bellow.

In parglare actions can be called during parsing (i.e. on the fly) which you could use if you want to transform input immediately without building the parse tree. But there are times when you would like to build a tree first and call actions afterwards.

To get the tree and call actions afterwards you supply actions parameter to the parser as usual and set build_tree to True. When the parser finishes successfully it will return the parse tree which you pass to the call_actions method of the parser object to execute actions. For example:

parser = Parser(g, actions=actions, build_tree=True)
tree = parser.parse("34 + 4.6 / 2 * 4^2^2 + 78")
result = parser.call_actions(tree)

Calling actions in GLR

In GLR parsing, actions are not invoked on-the-fly due to the potentially large number of parse trees or interpretations. However, actions can be applied afterward on a selected tree using parser.call_actions. When constructing the GLRParser, you provide the actions as usual, perform the parsing, and then select a single tree from the resulting forest. This tree is passed to call_actions, which produces the final result.

parser = GLRParser(grammar, actions=actions)
forest = parser.parse("....")
result = parser.call_actions(forest.get_first_tree())

Built-in actions

parglare provides some common actions in the module parglare.actions. You can reference these actions directly from the grammar. Built-in actions are used implicitly by parglare as default actions in particular case (e.g. for syntactic sugar) but you might want to reference some of these actions directly.

Following are parglare built-in actions from the parglare.actions module:

  • pass_none - returns None;

  • pass_nochange - returns second parameter of action callable (value or nodes) unchanged;

  • pass_empty - returns an empty list [];

  • pass_single - returns nodes[0]. Used implicitly by rules where all productions have only a single rule reference on the RHS;

  • pass_inner - returns nodes[1:-1] or nodes[1] if len(nodes)==3. Handy to strip surrounding parentheses;

  • collect - Used for rules of the form Elements: Elements Element | Element;. Implicitly used for + operator. Returns list;

  • collect_sep - Used for rules of the form Elements: Elements separator Element | Element;. Implicitly used for + with separator. Returns list;

  • collect_optional - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Elements Element | Element | EMPTY;. Returns list;

  • collect_sep_optional - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Elements separator Element | Element | EMPTY;. Returns list;

  • collect_right - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Element Elements | Element;. Returns list;

  • collect_right_sep - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Element separator Elements | Element;. Returns list;

  • collect_right_optional - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Element Elements | Element | EMPTY;. Returns list;

  • collect_right_sep_optional - Can be used for rules of the form Elements: Element separator Elements | Element | EMPTY;. Returns list;

  • optional - Used for rules of the form OptionalElement: Element | EMPTY;. Implicitly used for ? operator. Returns either a sub-expression value or None if empty match.

  • obj - Used implicitly by rules using named matches. Creates Python object with attributes derived from named matches. Objects created this way have additional attributes _pg_start_position/_pg_end_position with start/end position in the input stream where the object is found.

Actions for rules using named matches

If named matches are used in the grammar rule, action will be called with additional keyword parameters named by the name of LHS of rule assignments. If no action is specified for the rule a built-in action obj is called and will produce instance of dynamically created Python class corresponding to the grammar rule. See more in the section on named matches.

Dynamically created Python objects will have attributes created from assignments in the grammar rules. Also, a special _pg_children attribute is provided with child nodes in the order as they are matched in the input. This may be useful for tree iteration order. Please see this test for an example. In addition, _pg_children_names is a list of attribute names (i.e. a LHS of the assignments in the grammar.). Each created object has a to_str() method which produce a nice textual tree representation.

For performance reasons, AST nodes created with the default obj action uses slots so no dynamic attribute creation is possible. However, there is uninitialized _pg_extras attribute which can be used to add additional user-defined information on AST nodes.

If for some reason you want to override the default behavior which creates Python object you can create an action like this:

S: first=a second=digit+[comma];

a: "a";
digit: /\d+/;

now create an action function that accepts additional params:

def s_action(context, nodes, first, second):
    ... do some transformation and return the result of S evaluation
    ... nodes will contain subexpression results by position while
    ... first and second will contain the values of corresponding
    ... sub-expressions

register action on Parser instance as usual:

parser = Parser(grammar, actions={"S": s_action})