Kreirano 2024-10-25 Fri 10:22, pritisni ESC za mapu, Ctrl+Shift+F za pretragu, ? za pomoć
SELECT player, stadium
FROM game JOIN goal ON (id=matchid)
public class Course {
private long courseId;
private String courseName;
public Course() {
public Course(String courseName) {
this.courseName = courseName;
public long getCourseId() {
return this.courseId;
Beleške, kreiranje sadržaja, agenda, pismeno programiranje (literate programming).
*** TODO Pregledati prijavu greške #173
SCHEDULED: <2022-12-14 Wed>
1. [x] Neko parče koda:
#+begin_src rust
fn main() {
// Statements here are executed when the compiled binary is called
// Print text to the console
println!("Hello World!");
: Hello World!
2. [ ] Neka druga zabeleška...
*** WAIT Predati projektni izveštaj
| Aktivnost | Završeno | Problemi |
| Prva aktivnost | 30% | Nema |
| Druga aktinost | 25% | Problemi u snabdevanju |
Učenje programiranja za decu.
Inform je jezik za kreiranje interaktivne fikcije (tekstualnih avantura) baziran na prirodnom jeziku.
"Cactus Will Outlive Us All"
Death Valley is a room. Luckless Luke and Dead-Eye Pete are men in the Valley.
A cactus is in the Valley. Persuasion rule: persuasion succeeds.
A person has an action called death knell. The death knell of Luckless Luke is pulling the cactus.
The death knell of Dead-Eye Pete is Luke trying dropping the cactus.
Before an actor doing something:
repeat with the victim running through people in the location:
let the DK be the death knell of the victim;
if the DK is not waiting and the current action is the DK:
say "It looks as if [the DK] was the death knell for [the victim], who looks startled,
then nonexistent.";
now the victim is nowhere.
Jezik za kreiranje muzike i sintezu zvuka u realnom vremenu.
// this synchronizes to period
.5::second => dur T;
T - (now % T) => now;
// construct the patch
SndBuf buf => Gain g => dac;
// read in the file
"kick.wav" =>;
// set the gain
.5 => g.gain;
// time loop
while( true )
// set the play position to beginning
0 => buf.pos;
// randomize gain a bit
Math.random2f(.8,.9) => buf.gain;
// advance time
1::T => now;
GritQL je JSD za pretragu, linting i transformaciju koda.
`console.log($log)` => . where {
$log <: not within `try { $_ } catch { $_ }`
Kelly, S. & Tolvanen, J.-P. Domain-Specific Modeling: Enabling Full Code Generation, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr, 2008
Dmitriev, S. Language oriented programming: The next programming paradigm, JetBrains onBoard, 2004.
Dmitriev, S. Language oriented programming: The next programming paradigm, JetBrains onBoard, 2004.
Kao i svaki softverski jezik i JSD se sastoji od:
Primer istog iskaza upotrebom dve različite konkretne sintakse
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
new InternetAddress(to));
message.setSubject("Greetings from Novi Sad");
message.setText("Enjoying my stay in Novi Sad! See you soon!");
BEGIN myMail FROM TO SUBJECT Greetings from Novi Sad Enjoying my stay in Novi Sad! See you soon! END SEND myMail
Interni JSD za definisanje grafički korisničkih interfejsa (Swing)
public DSLKurs() {
setBounds(100, 100, 450, 300);
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
getContentPane().add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
contentPanel.setLayout(new FormLayout(new ColumnSpec[ {
new RowSpec[] {
Eksterni JSD za definisanje grafički korisničkih interfejsa (WindowBuilder)
Interni JSD za definisanje gramatike jezika (Arpeggio Python)
def number(): return _(r'\d*\.\d*|\d+')
def factor(): return Optional(["+","-"]), [number,
("(", expression, ")")]
def term(): return factor, ZeroOrMore(["*","/"], factor)
def expression(): return term, ZeroOrMore(["+", "-"], term)
def calc(): return OneOrMore(expression), EOF
Eksterni JSD za definisanje gramatike jezika (Arpeggio PEG)
number = r'\d*\.\d*|\d+' factor = ("+" / "-")? (number / "(" expression ")") term = factor (( "*" / "/") factor)* expression = term (("+" / "-") term)* calc = expression+ EOF
get '/dogs' do
# get a listing of all the dogs
get '/dog/:id' do
# just get one dog, you might find him like this:
@dog = Dog.find(params[:id])
# using the params convention, you specified in your route
post '/dog' do
# create a new dog listing
put '/dog/:id' do
# HTTP PUT request method to update an existing dog
delete '/dog/:id' do
# HTTP DELETE request method to remove a dog who's been sold!
repositories {
dependencies {
groovy fileTree(dir: new File(gradle.gradleHomeDir, 'lib'),
includes: ['**/groovyall*.jar'])
compile gradleApi()
compile 'eu.appsatori:gradlefatjarplugin:0.1.3',
ext.optional = true
testCompile 'org.spockframework:spockcore:0.6groovy1.8'
Score k = new Score(Tonality.G_major);
Bar bar = new Bar(BarType.4_4);
t.addNote(NoteType.A3, Duration.1_4);
t.addNote(NoteType.C2, Duration.1_4);
U eksternoj varijanti možemo u potpunosti prilagoditi konkretnu sintaksu domenskim ekspertima.
Ali se dešava da i u eksternoj varijanti JSD nije prilagođen domenskim ekspertima.
Danas se platforme bazirane na JSD često brendiraju kao Low Code ili No Code platforme.
Projekcione radionice - direktna izmena apstraktne reprezentacije kroz projekciju.
Bazirane na parserima - izmena se vrši posredno kroz tekst koji se parsira da bi se dobila apstraktna reprezentacija.
Eye icon designed by Freepik. Hand icon by Yannick Lung.
Za dokumentaciju sa primerom izgradnje 7 različitih jezika pogledati
A. Kleppe, Software language engineering: creating domain-specific
languages using metamodels. Addison-Wesley, 2009