Parser parameters

There are several parameters you can pass during the parser construction. The mandatory first parameter is the Grammar instance. Other parameters are explained in the rest of this section.

All parameters described here work for both parglare.Parser and parglare.GLRParser classes.


This parameters is a dict of actions keyed by the name of the grammar rule.


This parameter is used to specify actions called when the rules of layout sub-grammar are reduced. This is rarely needed but there are times when you would like to process matched layout (e.g. whitespaces, comments).

It is given in the same format as actions parameter, a dict of callables keyed by grammar rule names.


This parameter specifies a string whose characters are considered to be whitespace. By default its value is '\n\r\t '. It is used if layout sub-grammar (LAYOUT grammar rule) is not defined. If LAYOUT rule is given in the grammar it is used instead and this parameter is ignored.


A boolean whose default value is False. If set to True parser will call implicit actions that will build the parse tree.


By default, this parameter is set to False. If set to True, parser will call actions during the parse tree parse tree building process. The return value of each action will be discarded, since they directly affect the parse tree building process.


Use this parameter with a special care when GLR is used, since actions will be called even on trees that can't be completed (unsuccessful parses).


A boolean whose value is True by default. If True the whole input must be consumed for the parse to be considered successful. This is most of the time what you want. If set to False then LR parser will parse as much as possible and leave the rest of the input unconsumed while GLR parser will produce all possible parses with both completely and incompletely consumed input.


Be aware that setting this option to False for GLR usually leads to high level of ambiguity and multiple parses as any substring from beginning of the input that parses will be considered a valid parse.


By default set to True for LR parser and to False for GLR parser. In case of shift/reduce conflicts this strategy would favor shift over reduce. You can still use associativity rules to decide per production.

You can disable this rule on per-production basis by using nops on the production.


Do not use prefer_shifts if you don't understand the implications. Try to understand conflicts and resolution strategies.


By default set to True for LR parser and to False for GLR parser. In case of shift/reduce conflicts on empty reductions this strategy would favor shift over reduce. You can still use associativity rules to decide per production.

You can disable this rule on per-production basis by using nopse on the production.


Do not use prefer_shifts_over_empty if you don't understand the implications. Try to understand conflicts and resolution strategies.


By default set to False. If set to True default error recovery will be used. If set to a Python function, the function will be called to recover from errors. For more information see Error recovery.


This parameter if set to True will put the parser in debug mode. In this mode parser will print a detailed information of its actions to the standard output. To put layout subparser in the debug mode use the debug_layout parameter. Both parameters are set to False by default.

For more information see Debugging


Set this to True to enable terminal colors in debug/trace output. False by default.


The value of this parameter is either parglare.LALR or parglare.SLR and it is used to choose the type of LR tables to create. By default LALR tables are used with a slight twist to avoid Reduce/Reduce conflicts that may happen with pure LALR tables. This parameter should not be used in normal circumstances and is provided more for experimentation purposes.


LR table is loaded from <grammar_file_name>.pgt file if the file exists and is newer than all of the grammar files, root and imported. If any of the grammar file modification time is greater than the modification time of the cached LR table file, table is recalculated and persisted. If you are deploying the parser in a way that will change file modification times which would trigger table calculation you can set force_load_table to True. If this flag is set no modification check will be performed and table calculation will happen only if .pgt file doesn't exist.


You can pass precomputed parsing table here. This is useful for implementing custom parse table caching. None value for this parameter (the default) instructs parser to build (or fetch from cache) it's own tables internally.

Example flow for custom caching is shown in an example.


Be careful to provide parse tables compatible with parser type. Passing tables containing conflicts to Parser class will probably result in an error, but passing tables with automatically resolved conflicts (prefer_shifts=True) to GLRParser will result in parser which may skip proper parses.

parse and parse_file calls

parse call is used to parse input string or list of objects. For parsing of textual file parse_file is used.

These two calls accepts the following parameters:

  • input_str - first positional and mandatory parameter only for parse call - the input string/list of objects.

  • position - the start position to parse from. By default 0.

  • extra - an object used for arbitrary user state kept during parsing. It will be accessible on context-like objects. If not given an instance of dict will be created.

  • file_name - first positional and mandatory parameter only for parse_file call - the name/path of the file to parse.

Token class

This class from parglare.parser is used to represent lookahead tokens. Token is a concrete matched terminal from the input stream.


  • symbol (Terminal) - terminal grammar symbol represented by this token,

  • value (list or str) - matched part of the input stream,

  • additional_data (list) - additional information returned by a custom recognizer.

  • length (int) - length of the matched input.